Monday, March 19, 2012

Statistics from Uganda

Sometimes plain statistics give a helpful reminder of sad realities:

Per capita total expenditure on health:  $74
Government spending on health as % of total govt spending: 10%
Density of health workers per 10,000 population: 14.3 (in the US, there are 27 doctors per 10,000 population -- in Uganda the 14.3 figure includes doctors, clinicians, nurses, nursing assistants).
Birth rate (children per women): 6.1
Under-five mortality rate: 135 per 1000 live births
Contraceptive prevalence rate: 24%
Lifetime risk of maternal death: 1 in 25
Life expectancy at birth: 54
Population: 33 million
HIV-infected population: 1.2 million
Literacy rate: 73%

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