Sunday, September 4, 2011

The saddest part of the week

About once a week or so, I go to the Baylor pediatric HIV/AIDS center for a meeting of some kind.  It's a beautiful facility (pictured below) - far and away the nicest health center I've been to in Uganda.  Even so, every time I walk in and see a hundred or so kids waiting for care, I want to cry.  All of them are HIV-positive and their entire life will be affected by this. Even though they are in one of the best facilities on the continent for receiving the care they need, they are going to face a lifetime of challenges, and they represent only a tiny portion of the HIV+ children in the city and in the country.  It's a good reminder of why I wanted to work in health here - to contribute in some very tiny way to preventing children from becoming infected and to making care better for people who are. 

Okay, that's enough sap for a while....

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